Sexual Assault Services
The Nord Center’s Sexual Assault Services (SAS) is staffed by a compassionate, qualified team of professionals who provide a safe and caring environment to survivors of rape, incest, sexual abuse and sexual assault. Many clients are seen soon after the assault, while others may wait days, weeks or even years to call us. No matter when you call, we will work with you to begin the healing and recovery process.
ADULTS: 18 or Older
If something happened in the last week or so,
we can offer:
- Criminal justice information
- Help with reporting
- Collection of evidence
- Advocacy and Support
If something happened longer ago,
we can offer:
- Help thinking through your options
- Advocacy and Support, including support groups
If you are or the person you are calling about is under 18,
we can offer:
- Criminal justice information
- Collection of evidence
- Making connections with reporting agencies; help you with coordination and navigating the system
- Advocacy and Support

- 6140 S Broadway Lorain OH 44053
- 257 Benedict Ave Norwalk OH 44857
- Oberlin College
- Lorain County Community College
- We also offer services to incarcerated people in nearby correctional institutions
For all services or questions, call our hotline at 440-204-4359.
Rape Crisis Center
The Rape Crisis Service at The Nord Center believes that as a sexual assault/abuse survivor, you need as much support as possible as you journey along the road of recovery. Many survivors come to a Rape Crisis Center without a support system. Our role is to help you build this system, which may include family, friends, other survivors, rape crisis advocates and a therapist.
Rape Crisis Center philosophy focuses on the support and the education aspect of your recovery. At some point we may recommend for you to focus on the therapy aspect of your recovery. We can help you find an appropriate therapist while we provide you with continued support and educational opportunities throughout your recovery process.
The Rape Crisis Center at The Nord Center is a safe place where you can share and we will listen. Our role is to be here for you in the joys and sorrow of your recovery. We commit to being an active part of your support system. Services Offered:
- 24-hour, 7-day a week hotline where your call is answered by members of a specially trained crisis team.
- Comfort and reassurance during sexual assault evidence collection.
- Advocacy and support throughout legal proceedings.
- Short-term crisis intervention and individual or group support.
- Referrals for psychological counseling.
- Support for family members and significant others.
- Community education on rape awareness and prevention.
Children’s Advocacy Center
The Children’s Advocacy Center provides supportive services to children and families that have had their lives impacted by experiencing or witnessing traumatic events. We support families in the community by providing advocacy, assisting in the healing process, and by empowering individuals as they recover.
Our services include:
- Crisis Intervention & Support
- Pediatric Forensic Medical Evaluation & Treatment
- Coordinated Forensic Interviews
- Legal Advocacy
- Case Coordination & Tracking
- Prevention Education
- Age appropriate education related to healthy boundaries and safe touch
- Referrals for psychological counseling

Sexual Assault Care Unit
We are able to provide a standalone Sexual Assault Care Unit (SACU) on site. Victims of sexual assault or abuse in Lorain and Huron Counties can have a collection of evidence, more commonly known as a Rape Kit, in the privacy of our SACU, rather than in the chaos of the ER.
We have specially trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) who are able to administer the kits, and trained Advocates who can guide you through every step of the process in a quiet, private and caring environment.

Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
Stewards of Children
The Nord Center has partnered with the Lorain County Children and Families Council and Darkness to Light, a nationally acclaimed non-profit, to bring its award-winning “Stewards of Children” sexual abuse prevention program to Lorain County.
“Stewards of Children” is a prevention training program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for organizations that serve youth and for individuals concerned about the safety of children. It is the only nationally distributed, evidence-based program proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes, and change child protective behaviors.
For Grades K-3
Safe Touch
Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
The Nord Center’s KidzFirst Children’s Advocacy Center is offering free “Safe Touch” Sexual Abuse Prevention Training for students in grades K-3 and their parents through funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services. The goal of the program is to reduce the likelihood of sexual assault / abuse crimes against children in our community.
Through a presentation, video and activity, the Safe Touch program will:
- Let children know how to respond when they feel unsafe with someone they know
- Help children understand Safe Touches, Ouch Touches, and Uh Oh Touches
- Teach students several ways to say “NO!” if someone tries to touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.
- Let them know there are “Secrets for Keeping” and “Secrets not for Keeping”
- Help them identify five trusted adults who they can confide in
This vital information will be presented in a comfortable, age-appropriate manner to educate and empower children in our community with information to lessen their risk of being sexually abused. Training is appropriate for schools, religious organizations, PTAs and other child-serving organizations.
For Grades 6-12
Healthy Boundaries
Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
The Nord Center’s, Kidz First Children’s Advocacy Center, provides a prevention education curriculum called Healthy Boundaries. This education is offered in a series and is dedicated to providing age-appropriate sexual harassment prevention programing. Healthy Relationship Boundaries Curriculum is developed by PCAAR for PCAR and is designed for students kindergarten up through twelfth grades.
Education includes important topics such as: personal boundaries, sexual harassment, and healthy relationship building skills. Additional activities for students to complete are available to continue learning out of the classroom. Please note, that we are not teaching students about sex. The main goal is to provide the tools to empower children to recognize sexual harassment and build healthy relationships.
For more information or to schedule a presentation for your school or organization, contact Kayla Gelb, Community Educator, at kgelb@nordcenter.org. Or call 440.204.4207.
Ways to Help
SAS Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers enable SAS to provide essential services to survivors of sexual assault and abuse. Our volunteer opportunities include outreach advocate, hotline advocate, community outreach and staff support. Volunteers must attend an extensive 40-hour training program at The Nord Center, offered in spring and fall. No prior training or experience is needed – just a desire to help those in crisis. View our volunteer opportunities for more information.
SAS Career Opportunities
Click here to visit The Nord Center’s Career Page
Make a Donation
Click here to help survivors of sexual assault.