Nordcare Client Portal
The Nord Center provides 24/7 access to your client information via the NordCare portal. Through the portal you can do a number of different things that you may find helpful.
Getting Started
The first step is requesting your Patient Portal Password.
From your internet browser, navigate to https://nordcenterexternal.on.spiceworks.com/
Enter your email address to log in.
You will receive an email from help@nordcenterexternal.on.spiceworks.com with a link to log into the helpdesk. Click on the link to log in.
Click ‘Submit a ticket’ to open the request form.
Fill in all of the required fields:
- Summary/Description: a brief message regarding your request
- Category:
- Select Patient Portal Access if you are requesting your username and password to log in.
- Select Patient Portal Password Reset if you need your password reset.
- Full Name: First and Last Name. This must match the name we have on file in your record.
- Last 4 Digits of SSN: last 4 numbers of your social security number. Note: Do not provide your entire social security number.
- Date of birth: select your date of birth.
Click Submit when you are done. You will receive an email from help@nordcenterexternal.on.spiceworks.com confirming your request.
If you need HELP
You can submit a help desk request or ticket by emailing help@nordcenterexternal.on.spiceworks.com.
If you have trouble with the steps above, just email and say, “I would like my patient portal login.”
You will receive a response to your ticket within 1-2 business days. Keep an eye on your email for a response! We may request additional information if we are unable to look up your account.
Once you have an account, you can log in
You can access the patient portal here:
Enter your username and password to log in.
If this is your first time logging in, you will have to change your password. A message will pop up telling you that your password is expired. Click OK and provide a new password.
You will then be prompted to set security questions.
Navigating the Patient Portal
Click on the “My Office” tab to view any documents or new messages.
This opens your Dashboard. You will see any documents that need your attention in the ‘Document To Do’ box. If you have any new messages from your providers, you will see them in the New Alerts/Messages box.
Document To Do
The document Status indicates what is required for the document. Documents in ‘To Do’ status will have information that you need to enter. Documents in ‘Co-Sign’ status will require your signature.
Completing To Do Documents
Click on the name of the document to open it
Co-Signing Documents
Documents with a Co-sign status require your co-signature.
Click on the name of the document to open it.