Residential & Housing Services
The Nord Center utilizes the Housing First model of services. Having housing in place allows people to build stable lives and be introduced to other services they may need. Housing First is an approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to permanent housing without preconditions and barriers to entry, such as sobriety, treatment or service participation requirements.
Homelessness Prevention
- Assists people and/or families who are experiencing a housing crisis
- Can assist eligible persons/ or families come out of homelessness and establish permanent housing or prevent eviction and remain stably housed through financial and supportive services
- Is operated by The Nord Center in collaboration with Catholic Charities (Lorain)
- Provides these services free of charge
- Provides financial assistance contingent on available funding.

- Schedule a private appointment to discuss your circumstances
- Assess your financial situation and establish a monthly budget plan
- Determine what options are available to you
- Provide referrals and information about other available resources in the community
- Provide follow-up supportive services to ensure your progress

For more information about the Housing Services Program, please contact:
Catholic Charities 440.242.0056
The Nord Center Housing Services 440.204-4385 or 440.204.4386
Residential Services
The Nord Center provides Residential Services to people impacted by a a severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) who meet the protective level of care as defined by the Department of Health. The average length of stay is one to two years.
Residential Services utilizes an approach based on the recovery model. The focus is maximizing each consumer’s strengths, assessing his or her risks and supporting each individual’s process of stabilization. This includes assisting the consumer’s progress towards reaching treatment goals and returning to the least restrictive environment possible. The Nord Center offers an array of safe, affordable, accessible and acceptable housing options to those who would benefit from living in a supportive consumer-centered environment. Services provided include case management, nursing, social work and independent living skills. Nord Center residential services includes three Licensed Group Homes and two Permanent Supportive Housing Facilities in which residents have their own apartments with some staff support provided. The Nord Center also works extensively with housing partners in the community to provide supportive services to people living in housing provided by those agencies.

Nord Center residential services includes three Licensed Group Homes and two Permanent Supportive Housing Facilities in which residents have their own apartments with some staff support provided. The Nord Center also works extensively with housing partners in the community to provide supportive services to people living in housing provided by those agencies.
Recovery Housing
The Nord Center has expertise and experience serving clients who have both severe and persisient mental illness (SPMI) and substance use disorder (SUD). The agency has a housing option for men and for women with mental illness and chemical addiction (MICA).
Men’s Gateway Residence
This facility in Elyria is a 24-hour supported residential facility operated by The Nord Center which can house up to 10 adult men in efficiency apartments . Residents may live in the facility for up to a year while developing independent living skills. Recovering males may participate in intensive counseling, group therapy, abstinence-based treatment and employment. By supporting and encouraging each other, clients have the opportunity to share their own recovery journey in ways that may benefit each other and the whole residential community.

Women’s MICA House
This eight-apartment permanent housing facility provides a safe, sober, supportive living environment appropriate to the special needs of consumers who live there. Live-in peer support persons provide daily monitoring and helpful social interaction with the residents.
For more information or for questions about referrals please contact Residential Services at 440.204.4339.